占姆士(James Allen McCune 飾)是一名大学生,他的姐姐20年前在黑山林神秘失踪至今下落不明,他相信姐姐的失踪与黑山林当地的女巫布莱尔传说有关,一天,占姆士在网上发现了一段诡异录像相信是自己姐姐留下的录像,并叫上自己的4个好友一同前往黑山林,入夜后,他们遭遇了诡异事件,森林地形的变化 ,诡异的树枝符号,若隐若现的鬼影,他们发现女巫布莱尔的传说比他们想象中更可怕,更凶险.
After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his vanished sister Heather, James and a group of friends head to the forest believed to be inhabited by the Blair Witch.
Director: Adam Wingard
Writer: Simon Barrett
Stars: James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez, Corbin Reid
Genres: Horror | Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English
Blair Witch 2016 HD-TS x264-CPG
Found like 3 different sources of this and synced audio to all of them... sharing the best one from all of three.
its clear and watchable, nothing missing.. movie itself filmed in weird way as it has lot of movements don't confuse
them with camera movements Cuz there are NONE..
Synced our digital audio to video went pretty sweet.
Sample included!
Video: AVC 1000kbps 720x392 30fps
Audio: MP3 2.0 Digital Audio
Language: English
Subtitles: N/A
Sample: included
Encoder: CPG 作者: zj51982 时间: 2016-9-27 21:06